Combination Trailers
This is the finest vacuum trailer made today. This product follows our prevailing principles of simplicity and serviceability. The components used are time-tested and un-exotic, this translates to long-lasting equipment. We have simplified this down to ensure its longevity in municipal and contractor applications. The diesel-powered vacuum system provides power to get small and large jobs done when others can't. Let us know if we can build one specifically for your application.
Polymer-coated Frame and Tank Assemblies
Rolled Aluminum Water Tanks
Diesel-powered blower and water pump
Hydraulic Articulating & Extendable Boom
Cyclone filtration package
Positive displacement blower
Hydraulic valve control bank
Additional Extension length on boom
Additional water tank capacity
Larger water system
Rear-mounted Reel assembly (mini-combo option)
Additional debris tank assembly
Wireless and pendant remote
Retractable reel assemblies
Heavy-duty axle assemblies
Hydraulic brakes
Rear door mounted pump off package